Rivers have come and past,
The surfaces can never last,
Wearing down as the waters flow
Like the sediments come to pass
Rocky fragments gone so fast
By attrition and abrasion formed
Here come the streams again
Falling from the dyke
Eroding off the weaker rocks
Rapid waters flowing fast
The gradient changes, rocks deranges
Erosion gains, working fall in height
Forceful plunge, swirling rocks form plunge pool
River bends have come and past,
The paths of rivers never last,
Sliding forth, by currents I evolve
Erode my bank again
Like we did when rain began,
Casting a-side pebbles and the sand
Depositing the load on the other side,
Narrowing my neck,
Breaking from the channel’s side,
Soil on the convex bank
The river cuts from the meander,
But never forgets how it changed
Nature’s hands sculpt an ox-bow lake
Like my father's come to pass
Twenty years has gone so fast
Crashing waves, sand and silt, on sea floor
Waters flow round the obstacles
Threading out as streams to sea
Wake the waters when the river ends
Wake the waters when the river ends
Wake the waters when the river ends
slashed at 9:26 PM .
Turn off the other song on the sidebar when u r viewing this...
slashed at 9:11 PM .
Quite pissed tdy, with myself and dunno who. din get through the interview lar. There goes my hopes of becoming a prefect. One of the two aspirations I have in RI are dashed. Sad lar. Feel like blowing off some steam, but I’ll prefer to take it as if nth has happened, least it makes me feel better, rather than blowing my top, cos it is the more sensible thing to do without harming the people around me. Dun let them know how bad I feel lar, cos what can they do besides remarking or adding to their worries? I dun need this sympathy or sarcasm, cos I dun think I can take such a setback. I’m on my edge, and what’s holding me to this world is that I still have unfulfilled dreams, and being a CCAL and Chairman of RIGE is one of them.
slashed at 10:11 PM .
This is my interpretation of the song. For those looking for the chords, here it is. Hope this makes your life much easier, cos I was a chord scavenger once.
那女孩对我说 歌手:黄义达 专辑:专属密码
G Dm Am F G
C F G7 C
G Dm Am F G
Dm Am F C
G Am F G
Dm Am F C
G Am F G7 C
F G7 C
G Dm Am F G7
Dm Am F C
G Am F G
Dm Am F C
Dm Am F G7 C
G Am F C
G Am F G
Dm Am F C
G Am F G7 C
slashed at 8:42 PM .
went for the interview tdy, jus went in and spoke from the bottom of my heart, just the truth and nothing else. hope they would let me have a go at it. jus wanna serve the school and do the best as a prefect, hope that there can be a different way of upholding discipline in the school, the way I do it, the student has to know the effects of his wrongdoing, not just being booked cos he broke a rule. sometimes, chances should be given if he is repentant. It's not just about rules, its about connecting with the people. I really thank my supporters who have been behind me all this while, if I ever get in, I really need your support. Here's sending out my thanks of those who believed in me, you know who you are, Thank You! I really need your support if ever I get past the interview!
I said something like this for my Interview Speech today:
Why do you want to become a prefect?
I believe that I am able to lead my peers and this through my actions and my words. I have a desire to serve the esteemed institution and would definitely appreciate if given a chance to do so as a prefect, being able to do much more in my tasks that I undertake, at the same time complying with the demands of my peers, my teachers, and my school. I too believe that I will be able to make the lives of my peers more fulfilling, through the upholding of justice as a model for others to emulate, and assisting and helping my peers when the need arises.
What do you think is your strength as a prefect?
Confucius said: “When the superior person deals with the world, he does not prejudice his mind for or against anything—he just follows what is right.” Yes, I believe that’s what my strongest trait is. Conducting myself with integrity and treating my fellowmen as equals, and taking the initiative to do what is the best for the community.
I ran for prefect elections last year, well I didn’t make it. Of course I felt very disappointed, being denied a chance at the leadership position. Well, I gave some thought to it, and asked myself why I wasn’t selected into the board. It was then that I realized that it had been a blessing in disguise that I had not entered the board. I had a serious flaw. A long story cut short, I did not stand up for justice even when I knew perfectly well that something terribly wrong was going on just beside me. I reflected on my thoughts and my inaction. Then, I realized that the core principle in being a prefect was the ability to tell right from wrong and most importantly, stand up for justice. I regretted my inaction, and as my bio teacher once said, “the most important thing in life is not so much where we are, but in which direction we are heading.” I then understood that it was essential as a prefect, to be able to take the initiative to inform the authorities of a misdoing and not let it lie. Regardless of the situation, we must always stand for what we think is right.
Through these months, I have corrected this flaw in me, and decided to give myself a chance at this leadership role again, upon encouragement by my teachers and my peers. As a prefect, one must uphold discipline and right the wrongdoings around him without a need for initiation by others.
What is your view of a prefect?
A prefect, in my opinion, is one who does not see himself as of a higher authority over his peers. He does not get things done by force or through demands using his rank as a knife, but instead is able to convince the person in question to abide by his rules. How does he do this? Why would the person listen to him and not the former? A prefect does not try to command a forced respect of others but instead earns this respect through his actions and his words. He, for one, would be able to persuade the masses to do his bidding, and lead them onto the right path. This is a brief on what I think I will try to model upon if ever the school accepts my leadership.
slashed at 9:45 PM .
I've been posted to bass guitar on recommendation, well Jon Gan got the contrabass and most of the sec2s got posted 2 alto. Alto requires very gd sight reading. Which I obviously am not cut out 4. I will do my best in my part lar, wun disappoint Mr Raj. Din do too well 4 Eng... will try harder! Mark my words, my twin, mark them. Think the new GE cap might b either Eugene or Ari. Well they deserve sme positions lar. I entered the first round of nominations, still got interview round. Wish me luck!
slashed at 10:16 PM .
Wow, the hols passed really fast. tmr have 2 go back 2 sch again. the CTs are staring at me in the face. have too start the marathon mugging soon, will do the best i can. My cousin's wedding is on this coming Sun, but my sis is having her prelims, so both of us most probably cant go, as she cant stay home alone. my mum 一百个不放心...lolx, so bad de... tt means tt i hav 2 stay at hme, I havent gone 2 a wedding dinner since 10 yrs ago... will hav 2 wait till nxt yr lor...
slashed at 3:31 PM .

A pic of RI, I can't upload a pic of my home cos it's blocked! er... lolx. this image is NOT coped from anywhere, in case u think so when you browse the teachers' blogs...
slashed at 10:56 AM .
went 2 watch SB & LG with vic yesterday, though the sky had threatened to pour, k it was drizzling at that time... 3D glasses were cool man! well everything looked 3D lar... took those home.movie tickets arent cheap, $8 lol! later took 13 home with jon lim, (he alighted first). I really want 2 watch Initial D! well vic watched it back in his pri sch, but I'm waiting 4 jon gan 2 send me the mov. file, cheapskate rite? well the movie we caught was not bad lar, hope it din get vic into any trouble though, it's my third time watching a movie (inside a cinema, k?), so of course, looked alien. lolx. shld catch more movies after tests, gd way 2 celebrate n relax rite? (see im a slacker) kk, that was the movie we caught : " Some dreams are so strong, they become reality. We make them real. And they don't just dissappear when we open our eyes, they will always stay as long as we continue to dream."-----Max, the daydreamer. Quite true rite? I wanted vic 2 help me buy the blue band he wore 4 concert, I like the design lar. hope he remembers :) . Weilian won the 绝对 superstar! though he wasn't the judges liking, but he won the hearts of the people with his singing, well done! but i feel there is a possibility of Kelly being more 红 than he, another singapore idol phenomenon... holidays are here, time to get a rest from my bullet train style of life. also means that i dun hav 2 wake up at 6 am, cheers!
slashed at 8:55 PM .
so much for teachers' day. well we had concert with the "golden man awards". lolx, actually thought that jerry ang might get the coolest guy awards. his motorbike incident hahaz. " I step and the bike fly, this time", " drop the grenade and throw the pin" LOLx well, the famous Uncle Eddie din get nominated, speedo-racer-look-like-drunkard Eric din get the prize too. So wasted lor. Juz a thought, ms tsang looked like a typical 名星 backsage in the video. making up b4 acting the movie, seen in the making of sth sth... gave all the presents to the teachers, good to see them all happy once in a while, they helped me in becoming who I am today k?
Well i returned 2 Montfort, being greeted like some sort of guest of honour, lolx. Gave one of my impromptu speeches upon request, "PSLE is an important stepping stone, it is up to you to strive for what you want to become in life. no one can do it for you, no one can help you if you don't help yourself, hard work will bring you success, you must persevere and don't give in to temptations... realise what you want in life. My teacher once told me 'Douglas, the sky is your limit, follow your dreams' so I'm now telling you this message, everyone has a hidden potential, you too have an equal chance as the rest of the 20,000 p6 boys out there to enter RI, so long as u slack as much as u want onli after Oct hahaz. Means work hard now." ----- The Rising Power. sme sort of thing like that.
So after that i moved to the canteen, saw the p2 Jonathan, (shld be p2 now), ya my junior. takked abit about how we were doing in RI to the teachers, and then went crapping with my old classmates. they wanted me 2 play sth, so i played 晴天 and 小微 chords, with the intro of Californication and When September Ends. Cool man! rocked 4 awhile but that was after WX and IS had left, too bad they had 2 go home so fast. stoopid Jonathan Soh, spoilt part of my guitar bag sling. Well, hme after that lar, though veri happy that Vice-principal Mrs Loo still remembered me! If I have the time, I gonna call Mr Peter Ho and look up Mr Tang.
slashed at 2:30 PM .