For 30 % you are: Your results have returned: Arbiter
Only the most stout of heart has the ability to withstand your cold truthfulness. You are a very good thinker who easily sees through lies and is a very undaunted spiritual entity. You would do best as a lawyer or judge.
You could also get this result:
For 30 % you are: Your results have returned: Archangel
You are strong and powerful, and though you do your job well, you are not entirely without compassion. You are driven by the will to do what is best and will let nothing stand between you and your goals. You are an aggressive personality and often reply on impulse, and you are a physically intimidating and somewhat frightening person. You would be best as a police officer or soldier.
Or even this one:
For 20 % you are: Your results have returned: Messenger.
The most reliable and sturdy of all personas, you are a compelling and trustworthy source of information. You complete tasks on time and are a reliable and indifferent person who connects with people well. You need to be a mailman or office worker.
Or even this one:
For 20 % you are: Your results have returned: Seraphim
You are wise and often know the answer to life's most difficult questions. You are full of compassion and love for everything around you and have a somewhat pacifistic outlook on life, and not much bothers you. However, when you become angry, the results are often cataclysmic.
You need to be a political entity.
Or even this one:
For 0 % you are: Your results have returned: Dominion
The most intelligent and noble of persons you are an invariable well of knowledge and craftiness. You don't connect well with the illogicality of most people and would serve best as a tutor or teacher.
Your a GUARDIAN ANGEL! congrates you are the one who looks out for others. your comferting, nice, and nice to be around. you protect your friends and others from dangers in life and hope for the best in everything and everyone!
Ok. You are one hell of an angel. You are a vampirish angel. You murder in the night, and are quite proud of your achievements. You have a naturally blood thirsty and malevolent mind. But that's just you. You are dark and powerful, if a little blood thirsty. You are both and angel and a vampire. But you will never be either. You feed from the innocent, and glide away from the world of mortals. You are unique, and have a gift for poetry. You are manipulative, and are cunning and quick minded. You are a sharp person. One that should never be under estimated, and if you are, that person will be your next feed. Congrats. You are certainly original. Extremely rare and one of a kind.
But you might want to lessen on the blood. You might destroy the world at this rate.
Shadow. You are an angel made from shadows. Your wings are powerful beyond mortal understanding. You love to hide in shadows, and are a natural at night. You enjoy showing mortals whose in control, and won't hesitate ti hurt someone if they really start to bug you. You are old, and will continue to live for many years more. Longer than any given person. You are agile, quick witted and sharp. You enjoy putting people down, and can communicate with the nights soul, as you do the shadows.
You are an angel that has been cast out of heaven, and thrown to the earth. Almost being killed in the process. But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? And the same rule applies to you. When you suffer, it only makes you more vicious, and powerful. You are an impressive beinf. One never to be trifled with. You hate all normal angels for this. You drink their blood, to get back at the heavens that rejected you.
Congrats, you are very smooth.
slashed at 5:32 PM .
"A true friend is one who walks in when the whole world has walked out."
yay.. turned 18 ytd.. =) lol.. got this v nice neck accessory from godbro vic.. yea, it's uber nice, looks damn zai lk a mmpr morpher.. =D HAHA.. yea, my panda wore it and transformed into the red bear ranger ytd nite! whoohoo! HAHAHA.. jk jk.. thanks vic! =P lol.. my dear baby sister pricilla suanned me saying i was so old.. hmph.. u november den come suan me.. no fair.. =P but thanks for your b'dae wishes yea! hahax.. yea, this yr must jiayoux! ;) lol.. i'll ask u out for prom if i can't get my darling C or my godsis simjoo.. hehe.. chatted with simjoo ytd nite till 1.30am.. talking abt nonsensical stuffs n our flowerpots.. hahax.. was fun ba.. made my day at least.. i usually dun get a chance to have a heart to heart talk without having to hide and stuff.. yea.. mask on all day.. all night.. only time it's taken off is when i'm dreaming peace and bright. thanks, my dear sister. =D
slashed at 4:28 PM .
last day of sch b4 a long holiday for CNY.. hahax.. but just happens that my b'dae has to fall on a Saturday. damn.. lol..
i realized sth tdy.. have less expectations of others, and life will have fewer disappointments.. maybe tt's one of the many things that we're supposed to learn as we go into the society out there. if i'm not going into politics and stuffs, i'm no one, and no one has the obligation be at my beck and call and answer my calls all the time of the day. i always thought it was being polite to answer someone within 5 mins of an sms.. maybe there are people in this world who value friendship much less than i do.
its a good thing there's rule no 16 holding me back from losing control.. "Don't expect. What will come, will come, what won't, won't." i expect too much from my close friends. i expect them to care for me as much as i care for them. maybe it's too much..
from my best friend for the last 3 months, i don't wanna be disappointed. i prefer talking when i like it, freedom to chat and call you whenever i want, and not seem awkward. a true friend whom i can turn to when i need you.
slashed at 8:34 PM .
Yiruma - Kiss the Rain
I often close my eyes
And I can see you smile
You reach out for my hand
And I'm woken from my dream
Although your heart is mine
Its hollow inside
I never had your love
And I never will
And every night
I lie awake
Thinking maybe you love me
Like I've always loved you
But how can you love me
Like I loved you when
You can't even look me straight in my eyes
VRS 2/3
I've never felt this way
To be so in love
To have someone there
Yet feel so alone
Aren't you supposed to be
The one to wipe my tears
The on to say that you would never leave
The waters calm and still
My reflection is there
I see you holding me
But then you disappear
All that is left of you
Is a memory
On that only, exists in my dreams
I don't know what hurts you
But I can feel it too
And it just hurts so much
To know that I can't do a thing
And deep down in my heart
Somehow I just know
That no matter what
I'll always love you
So why am I still here in the rain..
slashed at 8:53 PM .
somehow i feel tt someone's watching me.. hahax.. nvm.. eh, don't spread rumours and stuffs yea! walao.. not funny.. lol.. hmm.. b'dae's coming soon.. sad tt it's on a saturday wor.. haiz.. but its a gd thing tt friday no sch.. dunno if anyone's free to go out? hahax.. =)
i've got this question running in my head for the past 3 hrs. the security guard at the basement was hiding at a corner and smoking secretly. they're not supposed to smoke on duty according to the management, but he was. ok.
2 choices, to tell the management or not to? here's the catch. 1st choice: if the management steps in, he would stop smoking, and probably live a longer life. but he might also get fired and lose his job, and smoke more. 2nd choice: if the management does not step in, he might continue smoking, killing himself slowly, and possibly the innocent people around him as well. which would you choose? i din want to make a choice, but by doing that i've already chosen the 2nd choice. probably cos i believe in the enlightenment of man, that human nature is good and all and he'll probably not do it again.. i don't know why i started trusting human nature again.. probably influenced by my godsis simjoo.. lol..
hmm.. with obama, hope the economy gets a turn for the better.. my mum wanted to buy a house for me if i ever got into NUS with scholarship.. cool yea? hahax.. jiayoux!
"throughout your life, the only constant is you." - The Rising Power.
slashed at 7:20 PM .
1st day of 2009! hope everything goes fine.. jiayoux! ;)
slashed at 7:07 PM .
Interesting car.. the Spyker C12 Zagato... but it's ex ba.. keep wishing yea.. i'll never be able to afford it.. LOL.. i like its doors yea.. unique.. i might never be able to sit in one again for the rest of my life.. hmm.. but it sure is a goal worth working towards, a couple of years down the road.. =)

slashed at 4:55 PM .
2009 New Year Resolutions
1. Sleep at 11pm Max.
2. Study harder, do not be distracted.
3. Participate actively in class, ask questions. Clarify.
4. Go home directly after school.
5. Finish tutorials beforehand.
6. Understand, that you’re not smart,
but you are who you are because of hard work
7. Read notes before the lecture.
8. All that cannot be controlled,
leave them to God.
9. Break the rules. But not these.
10. Forgive and forget quickly.
11. Love truly.
12. Laugh uncontrollably. Trust yourself.
13. Never regret anything that makes you smile.
14. Never lose anything, or anyone.
15. As long as you do your best,
God will do the rest.
slashed at 9:06 PM .
Happy New Year! =)
hahax.. new year, new beginnings.. new drive to work better.. and succeed.. jiayoux! =D
slashed at 1:32 PM .